藥局pharmacy 和drugstore 的差別 | 合法西藥販賣商
2020年2月6日—藥局pharmacy和drugstore的差別,口罩藥局實名制上路。來學英文單字:基本上這兩個字都,betamedia,專業出版多益TOEIC托福TOEFL日語 ...
說到「藥局」,或許有人的腦海中最先浮現的是 pharmacy 這個字,那麼不單只有販賣成藥、處方箋的「藥妝店」呢?
Drugstores are places to get medicine and lots of other things. When someone mentions "pharmacies," the first (or only) thought is that its a place to get medicine. That said, they can be used interchangeably in some cases.
Usually a "pharmacy" is the part of the drugstore where they process the prescriptions. The "drugstore" may contain a pharmacy as well as other departments where you can buy things like like aspirin, vitamins, tissues, books, electronics. Most hospitals and many clinics ...
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藥局pharmacy 和drugstore 的差別 | 合法西藥販賣商
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